FYI: Charleston Habitat for Humanity uses the revenue from the ReStore for all of our operating costs. That means that our construction crew, truck drivers, bookkeeper and volunteer coordinator all survive because of the recycling of old furniture and appliances. It's a generous circle we operate, we take used goods and sell them at a discounted rate. We then use that money to hire professionals that organize, plan and build decent, affordable housing. As any Feng Shui professional will tell you, the benefit of bringing balance, harmony, and beneficial energy to the environment where we live and work enables us to develop happier, healthier lives. To create such an atmosphere, it often requires a little bit of redecorating, maybe some demolishing and a bit of originality. Although a new kitchen may not be at the top of your "New Year's Resolutions" list, it sure as heck shouldn't be at the bottom. Below is a list of a few simple ideas to help you create a balanced 2009, all of these items are located in our ReStore at 731 Meeting Street. With the high turnover, most of this stuff barely lasts a day! But good news, there will be another delivery tomorrow with more great finds.
"A chandelier is one of the few all-round excellent Feng Shui energisers. The crystals in the chandelier reflect light beautifully, bringing in added glow and warmth. Hanging chandeliers in the southern corner of any room is beneficial and a chandelier in the Southwest corner of your home is wonderful if you wish to invite romance into your life or stimulate a current relationship!"
I could not have said it better myself..chandeliers are classic and elegant, now it's just a matter of finding the right one!

Look at these gorgeous wood pieces, full of stories, storage space and character. If your room is in need of a solid piece of furniture this could be the staple that binds everything together! Or in my case, organizes and stores everything that has yet to find a home....

First let me say this, looks can be deceiving! Second, I know this might be the worst picture ever used to represent a "where to shop" option. However, beyond this toilet graveyard, there are trendy bathroom sinks, architectural elements from reputable Charleston homes and plenty of items to remodel your home with! It may take a couple of trips to this area of the ReStore, but trust me, you will find a gem to inspire a new bathroom/kitchen/patio .
So, good luck shopping in a thrift store haven. Please post your finds to show off your ingenuity and patience!
Print out this page and bring it into the ReStore to receive 10% off your entire purchase.
Excluding the tile and kitchen cabinets.